Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Facebook status today:

Today Facebook reminded me of an entire world of hurting and stressed out people, desperate to connect to someone or something in this world, why is it we look to facebook for that connection? Today, it simply made me sad. Which I guess was an emotion I was avoiding, the memories are there if I visit facebook to share in them or not, right? So, here I am, just like you, but I refuse to stay here, I will seek comfort from something bigger than facebook and bigger than myself, because He is the only one who has never let me down. May God be with you today in anything you may be facing.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle ... :P

Hey all,
Last week was CRAZY I had soooo much work to finish - this week, also nuts - I have two big essays due in less than two weeks! :S
But I thought I would take a moment and share what I was working on last week, which was a health promotion video that had to address a current health issue in a way that was relevant and could be related to by our target audience. I chose physical activity and a target audience of teens living on their own for the first time, particularily those in post-secondary education.
Take a look and let me know what you think!

In case you cannot see it too well, click here :)
Well ... off to start on those essays!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

A New Voice

Hey all!
My name is Melanie and I am joining the gang in their blogging adventure! I can hope that I will be a somewaht regular voice, but the best intentions are often too good at remaining only intentions ... we shall see!

I am in my first year of Uni @ QueensU :)! Therefore I'm thinking my posting style will be more along the lines of a slightly different perspective on the world - mostly based on what im learning in class! Along with neat and weird websites that I find in my bored moments, which I unfourtunately do not have enough of anymore ....
Today tho, going to start off slow with a news item and a comic.

News item:
Many may have heard that Zellers has been bought out by Target, which I am somewhat surprised by, but I guess it happens. I am hoping it will bring some neat things to Canada, but I am certainly sad to see Zellers go! :(
Here is the link: Target to Open Stores in Canada with Zellers Deal

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I'll Be True To You...

Wow it's been a while...well creative comes and goes and time is basically we've been super busy! So here's a quick outfit post! Ash took the pics in Photography class today! :)

Wardrobe readjustments and fun with perspective :)

Hope you enjoy the look! We're going to attempt to post more regularly now...we'll see how that goes! Also quick comments about the boots--we don't have a Target here in Canada so when I was in Michigan I was excited to go to one...and I found these boots! And they were only $30, such an awesome deal! Also, our photog studio is dirty, no?

Outfit Details:
Lace Shirt- Charlotte Russe
Pants- The Gap
Belt- Zara
Boots- Target 

Saturday, December 11, 2010

holy, lackofposts batman!

we haven't posted in a while. that's rather lame, but you know what's not lame? michael scott.

- ashley xx

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand here we've got another blog about die mannequin! i can't help it...they're just so....good. care failure is probably the nicest person ever...she's so real, and talented! her and anthony bleed = musical match made in heavan. this is an acoustic version of their song "candide" (it's labeled wrong on the video), which is off of their latest full-length Fino + Bleed. this was recorded during their performance at 102.1 The Edge's Friday Night Live at Sound Acadamy on June 6, 2008.

this performance is also amazing (well, all of theirs are...but y'know), and needs to be mentioned here:

-ashley xx

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Estee Lauder/MAC Cosmetic Sale...

Alright so this is a little late, but here is what I got from the Estee Lauder/MAC/Clinque cosmetic sale last Friday:

1) I got a couple of MAC blushes/bronzers because I've used them before, and love the quality of the product! 

I got this shade of powder blush for $12! Actual price: $18.50
Here's an idea of of the other shade I got for $12. Actual price: $21

 2) Next thing I bought was a MAC paint pot. The texture of this product is creamy and goes on very easily and looks like eye-liner. I find it works best if applied with a stiff angle brush.

This isn't the exact product, but they didn't have a picture of the actual thing on the website! Anyway this was $10, actual price $16.50

3) I bought this lipstick for Ashley. I've never tried MAC's lipstick before (and I'm not planning on trying Ashley's before I give it to her), but I can say that it looks like it would go on smoothly/ would be moisturizing!

Once again they didn't have the exact shade on the website, but this is pretty close. This lipstick actually gives me a headache because I can't pin down the exact shade. At the sale it looked like a soft pinky-red. When I looked at in my car it seemed more coral. Any pictures I take look pale pink-orange. Now that I'm at home it looks rosy. I'm definitely eager for Ashley to try it out so I can finally nail down what shade it is! Sale price: $10, actual price: $14.50
4) I bought an eyeshadow for Sam (it's actually part of her Christmas gift,so Sam you better not read this!). Anyway, I have a couple of MAC eye-shadows and they're pretty nice, and literally you can find a shade for anybody! They have so much variety! 

Agh yet again, no exact shade match on the website. I can only assume that some of the products I bought have been discontinued? Anyway, Sam's eye-shadow is actually a darker pink, with a rosy hue. Sale price: $10, actual price: $14.50

 5) Alright final thing I purchased at the sale was a Clinique Supermoisture foundation,. I have been searching in vain for the perfect foundation for months now, and will literally try anything at this point. I like foundation to have coverage, but at the same time be very light, because I hate looking too made-up. After trying this foundation, I'm pretty impressed. I found that it looks best if I put a make-up primer on first, then do a very, VERY light layer of the foundation (it becomes noticeable if I put on too much).

This is the "Pure Porcelain" shade. Sale price: $12, actual price: $30. Incidentally this is the best bargain I got at the sale.

My final thoughts on the sale are that you definitely get some decent deals, but don't go if you are claustrophobic in anyway, or are afraid of crowds because that place was insane! It was just one gigantic group of women after another, and every table was surrounded by people so I had to fight my in to just get a look at the products. 

